Lynn's Muse: A Newsletter for Fans of The Texas Ranch Wolf Pack Series

Thank you for your interest in my series. I promise not to inundate your inbox with tons of messages. Lately, I haven't been very good at sending notices when I publish, but I plan to get this under control. I would love to hear from you if you have comments or questions. You can contact me at

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Wolf's Son Short Story

Wolf's Son

When newborn Nate shifts just minutes after he is born, his parents panic.

The ability to shift at birth is unheard of and is the hallmark of a powerful were.

Jackson, the pack Alpha and the baby's uncle, is a jealous leader, murdering all who might ever have the power to overcome him.

Desperate to save his son from his twin, Grant takes his mate and baby and runs.

Nate could be the most powerful werewolf since Lycos . . . if they can escape Jackson's clutches . . . if they can hide him from the Alpha . . . if they can keep him alive . . ..

When Jackson sends his Beta, Dustin, after them, Grant is willing to fight to the death for his family.

Will Dustin try to return them to Jackson or will he help them escape when he learns the truth?

This story is free in PDF format. Subscribe using the form below:

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